Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Coffee vs. Chanukah Coffee

Had the Starbucks Christmas Blend today.  It tasted a bit like a burnt tree.

Then it got me thinkin...why not a Hanukkah blend?  I'm not effin Jewish...not that there's anything wrong with being Jewish...I'm just not.

So I found this on Amazon...
Broadway Basketeers Hanukkah Gourmet Coffee and Tea Gift Basket

For all my Hanukkah's also found under Christmas kosher baskets...go figure.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

5 Coffee Gift Ideas under $20 for the Fellow Coffee Lover

1. Coffee Books
A good coffee lover book can be enjoyed time and time again by more than just the receiver. Getting someone special an awesome coffee recipe book can open the door to some less boring coffee conversation. Not that I hate my significant other... Hey, you can take the bitter out of the coffee, but I'm still going to tell it like it is. 

They say for an average couple -- somewhere around 5 years is when you really start to run out of things to say...or you wish you did. But, that's just the beginning and a lifetime of matrimony means reading some books and spicing it up a little.

Here are 3 Examples of Books for Coffee Addicts and / or Lovers

Book #1  I Love Coffee!: Over 100 Easy and Delicious Coffee Drinks is just such a book.

Book #2 Coffee Love: 50 Ways to Drink Your Java is a great gift for the Paul Simon reference type.

Book #3 For the Love of Coffee (For the Love Of...) is a good coffee lovin read.

2. Exotic Coffees
If your coffee lovin friend already has enough coffee freak books or just can't sit still long enough to read try getting some exotic coffees. Something they might not find at the local convenience store might impress them and make them share their coffee with you.

Like this Magnum Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee, Whole Bean, 2 Lb Bag is a great value and tropical.

Or...why do I feel the need to offer a disclaimer every time I mention them...ahem...anyway...yes, I like Starbucks new all natural flavored coffees they are pretty great...yeah, I said it. Okay, not "exotic" -- but new and delicious.
Starbucks Natural Fusions Ground Coffee, Vanilla Flavored, 11-Ounce Packages (Pack of 2)

3. Mugs!  Mugs! Mugs! 
Most coffee drinkers don't use more than one mug at a time...but for some damn reason we LOVE collecting coffee mugs. Like there might come a day when we have a bunch of fresh brewed coffee and no mug.

Anyway, in honor of my old friend Nico "the a-hole" who as much as he claimed he wasn't nice without his coffee...just wasn't so pleasant even when he did have his coffee...

Here a collection of mugs I like...

Okay, well, the Toilet Mug is just too good to not doesn't exactly say "I love coffee", but it does remind you not to drink too much coffee or else...

Here's a coffee mug that comes with it's own coffee maker the Black and Decker DCM18S Brew 'n Go Personal Coffeemaker with Travel Mug

4. New Brew -- Have You Pressed It?
Coffee Presses are great gifts. Here's a great deal for an 8 cup press. Perfect for the lone coffee drinker who wants to wallow in their ability to drink 8 cups of freshly pressed coffee with no one bothering them.
Bodum 8-Cup (34-Ounce) Coffee Press

5. Help Your Mug Help You
Nothing like giving your mug it's own heating pad to show it you really care.