1. Coffee Books
A good coffee lover book can be enjoyed time and time again by more than just the receiver. Getting someone special an awesome coffee recipe book can open the door to some less boring coffee conversation. Not that I hate my significant other... Hey, you can take the bitter out of the coffee, but I'm still going to tell it like it is.
They say for an average couple -- somewhere around 5 years is when you really start to run out of things to say...or you wish you did. But, that's just the beginning and a lifetime of matrimony means reading some books and spicing it up a little.
Here are 3 Examples of Books for Coffee Addicts and / or Lovers
2. Exotic Coffees
If your coffee lovin friend already has enough coffee freak books or just can't sit still long enough to read try getting some exotic coffees. Something they might not find at the local convenience store might impress them and make them share their coffee with you.
3. Mugs! Mugs! Mugs!
Most coffee drinkers don't use more than one mug at a time...but for some damn reason we LOVE collecting coffee mugs. Like there might come a day when we have a bunch of fresh brewed coffee and no mug.
Anyway, in honor of my old friend Nico "the a-hole" who as much as he claimed he wasn't nice without his coffee...just wasn't so pleasant even when he did have his coffee...
Here a collection of mugs I like...
Okay, well, the Toilet Mug is just too good to not share...it doesn't exactly say "I love coffee", but it does remind you not to drink too much coffee or else...
4. New Brew -- Have You Pressed It?
Coffee Presses are great gifts. Here's a great deal for an 8 cup press. Perfect for the lone coffee drinker who wants to wallow in their ability to drink 8 cups of freshly pressed coffee with no one bothering them. Bodum 8-Cup (34-Ounce) Coffee Press
5. Help Your Mug Help You
Nothing like giving your mug it's own heating pad to show it you really care.
I'll be honest, I haven't been trying new coffee much lately. My new job, working maintenance at a Hotel gives me a free coffee every morning, and on my 2 effing days off, well, my wife has been cutting back on the caffeine because she is again, with child.
That means I put my stir stick in her sip hole, for all you who need it spelled out.
Anyway...we drink the tolerable mild blend from Starbucks. It doesn't suck except that I have to change my diaper before 10am. I usually just pour it over a cup of ice and get to work. Maintaining a national chain Hotel doesn't give you time to relax...so you gotta relax while you work.
Coffee means a lot to me. And when I can't afford to buy it because I'm broke, I get a little down. Been looking for work these days and can't help but wonder if someday I'll look back on this and laugh. It doesn't feel like it.
Someone mentioned to me the other day..."this is like the great depression, when doctors were forced to wash dishes to pay their bills."
Really? Did the effin internet exist back then? Did tons of government programs exist to assist people in starting new businesses and going back to school? Did we have a surplus of illegal immigrants -- it's just a little annoying...
Yes, it is "like" that in some respect I guess....but it is nothing like that also.
But if I could have a full time job right now I guess I would have a better chance at making a point...so, with that being said. If you like this little bit of ess I write ever-so-often, then effin contact me. ogcoffeefreak@gmail.com
click a link or buy a t-shirt or some effin thing...because you probably have an effin job that you're not doing right now when you are reading this blog of mine...so help a brother out fellow slacker...
Depending on who you are, the word "starbucks" can evoke some very different and very strong emotions. I can't think of another brand of coffee that has attracted so much attention.
The beloved "Dunks" evokes much emotion for lovers of the brand, but I have never met a person to say "I can't stand that ess." Or "they're greedy bastards creating caffeine addicts."
Nope, Starbucks seems to stand alone when it comes to controversial coffee.
Since this is my blog and I get to say what I want, I have had some people ask me what I think about Starbucks.
The Company
As a self-employed professional and someone who has many friends with their own businesses, even some with small coffee shops and carts, I cannot help but stand in awe of the Starbucks story. If you don't know it, look it up or find a book on it. There are many.
They, as a company have inspired countless entrepreneurs and have also led the way in employee appreciation and benefits, forcing other large corporations to look at their own business models and face the reality of employee morale and growth, and, in turn, make the necessary adjustments to retain their employees and compete on more than just a bottom line.
The Coffee
That being said, my personal wish would be for me to never drink another cup of that ess again. Don't get me wrong, I do love a strong cup of coffee, but "strong" and "burnt" are two different things. I like my cookies chewey, not crispy. I like my meat savory, not dry and over seasoned. And I like my coffee to have some flavor, but not charred and so acidic that I have to deal with aftertaste and heartburn all day.
So there you have it...my effin opinion on Starbucks. I'm sure if I were a teen today I would be suckin down a frap 2 times a day and hanging out on the patio with my ipod in my ears, but I'm not. I'm old and I like coffee.
Okay, so, I have been drinking the Italian imported Espresso from Trader Joe's for the past few months. It is the best value for the pound. It is also the darkest ess I have had for a while.
But they were out of it today...and there, next to it was something new on the shelf...ground coffee in a bag. Got the French Roast cuz that is the heavy ess. The dark, the full...the bowel-moving French Roast.
I've had the French Roast from Trader Joes before...but this is a new product. A new roast with a new bag and it come pre-ground.
All in all, not bad. Obviously, I can't say it tasted as fresh as the prior French Roast I had...but it's about as fresh as any French whore you would find in a Tibetan Temple. And about as strong smelling too...
But then again, if you're more into the vanilla or hazelnutty ess...this will not be your cup of joe. I like how the body of this really opens up when you add a little cream to it. Very nice, deep robust flavor.
And this all from a simple drip machine that I really am glad I have again.
I broke the french press a little while back...now I owe my buddy a french press.
Thanks for the likes and shares. Please feel free to click on my effin ads here too...
Well I'd be a big effin liar if I said I hated this. It's dark, has a great body and a real smooth flavor. This is such a strong coffe that the aroma alone had me droppin the kids off at the pool earlier than usual. As good ol' Marc Maron would say "POOWWW" ...I just essed my pants.
Mind you I drank it like an effin American, flat bottom drip MR. Coffee (not Senor Cafe if you know what I mean) - I'm sure the espresso fanatics will be upset about that, but you know what? I don't care. Not even a little. I'm not saying I don't like espresso, but I got over it pretty quick when I hit my thirties...since then, I pay other people to make my epsresso.
Just give me some effin good coffee.
As an apertif - I made it extra strong and enjoyed a little vanilla ice cream in it. # delizioso