Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Dunkin Donuts Vanilla Coffee

Effing A...now Dunkin' Donuts...that's a good cup of coffee.

Unfortunately the ol' lady threw out the bag before I had a chance to take a picture of it, but here it is on their website (http://www.dunkinathome.com).

Yeah, I have to admit when I lived in Boston for awhile I got spoiled with Dunks whenever I wanted. Now that I'm west coast again, we either have to order it by mail (which, even with the month club, the shipping is more than I'm willing to regularly pay for a pound of coffee), or enjoy it whenever a friend or family member comes to visit. (Usually the ONLY thing that's good about visitors if you effing ask me...but you didn't, did you mothereffer.)


It's just a great blend of medium-dark coffee with a definite vanilla flavor. None of that, "smells good, tastes like ess" like some I've had.

Yup. Dunkin' Donuts Coffee...it's the best.

Side note, now, McDonald's has gone and done a really delicious vanilla iced coffee which is strikingly similar to the Dunkin' Donuts iced coffee you can get at their east coast locations. However, it's not really vanilla coffee...they don't sell it by the pound and it wouldn't matter if they did, because I've seen them make it and I wish I hadn't. Let's just say, the vanilla isn't in the grind, because there is no grind.