Tuesday, July 8, 2008

McDonald's Iced Vanilla Coffee

Okay, it's McDonald's.

It's Vanilla Iced Coffee.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that this stuff probably won't be on the world's best cup of coffee list anytime soon. Especially since it's a syrup/dairy mixture they have to squirt and mix together to make it happen.

But they sure know how to make yummy food.

My wife loves the sugar-free.

Our friend who is a long time Dunkin' Donuts iced coffee fan (as are we) came out from the east coast this last week though and couldn't wrap her head around it.

"How do they know how much cream or sugar to put in the cup? What is sugar-free...is it equal, splenda what?"

I replied, "It's not coffee...it's a McBeverage that tastes like coffee...you don't ask what is in the diet coke or how much syrup they add..."

Got it? It's good...it's just not really coffee.